Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Animal Sacrifice!!!!

Women begin to gather under the shade of animal skulls to witness... a SACRIFICE!!!

A musician waits with his instruments before the ceremony.

Esmarelda and Mildred have stopped talking ever since Mildred said she cooked a moister Christmas goose.

Who let that white guy into my perfect shot?

In a trance, the head of the ceremony slashes at his tongue and body with a ceremonial dagger as he dances through the crowd. Spectators begin to scream and shake violently.

The women pile onto boulders to watch. They are unable to compete with the press of all the men who crowd around the center.

The screams are terrifying now. They compete with the blaring of the horns and the pounding of the drums. An ox is led into the center. The crowd crushes in.

When the ceremony is finished the ox (and a good two dozen other animals) lay headless around the temple.

Now people press in to get a chance to dot their own heads with the fresh blood of the animals.

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